 ☰ 目录

“北美校友联合会” 使命宣言


“North America Alumni Federation” Mission Statement

Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine North America Alumni Federation (SJTUSM-NAAF) is a non-profit organization registered in California, United States. Its members include recipients of all degrees granted by the University and affiliated hospitals, and have been living and working in North America or other regions outside China. The purpose of the SJTUSM-NAAF is to promote, maintain and support a mutually beneficial relationship among the alumni as well as between the university and the alumni. The SJTUSM-NAAF helps alumni connect with the University and with fellow alumni through providing advices, resources and alumni connections. The SJTUSM-NAAF represents common interests of the alumni including but not limited to academic exchange, alumni welfare, continue education and career development. The programs and activities of the SJTUSM-NAAF are coordinated by the committee and can be proposed by the members of the association or by the committee. The members of the SJTUSM-NAAF Board of Directors are elected through online ballot from the candidates who are nominated or volunteered in the SJTUSM-NAAF. The SJTUSM-NAAF’s service is open to any interested alumni.